Saturday, 23 November 2024

An Update from Mrs Sykes - Paterson

My dear readers,
So much water has flowed under the bridge since I last shared pyjamaring tales of my silly husband, Lionel. 
In that time I'm afraid that I have lost contact with my dear friend, Mrs Jacobson, who used to share wonderful ways of maintaining the obedience of her charge, Wincey. She was indeed an expert in the use of punishment pyjamas to keep worthless men in their place, and I miss her guidance.

Lionel remains a worthless individual, particularly since I insisted he take early retirement.
I now keep him in a pyjamaed state and have donated most of his day clothes to charity.
His minimal wardrobe consists largely of traditional striped pyjamas in range of colourways, and he now wears a pair whilst he sits obediently in the car in full view of the public during my trips to the supermarket.

Yours, Mrs S. P.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Mrs Sykes-Paterson Reminisces......

 'Ah, just look at these old photographs Lionel - those were the days when  striped pyjamas were de rigeur for men and they did not need to be trained to wear them as standard nightwear'

I remember my mother giving me advice on the eve of my own marriage to you on the importance of  controlling one's husband - she did this with her own husband, Albert, my father - he's in these old photographs taken on their wedding night.'

 'Of course, in those days they had little money but that still did not prevent her from finding old pyjamas in jumble sales and using them in the early days of Alberts pyjama training. The pyjamas rarely matched but somehow that seemed to add to the humiliation and was thus most effective'

'Pyjamaed effectively thus, he felt so ridiculous buttoned into unfashionable ill-fitting nightwear that he was unable to consummate the marriage, which was for the best and exactly as my mother intended. Despite his pleading to remove his striped pyjamas, mother did not relent and he spent the night in his pyjamaed state. 

 'Lionel, look please - see how he was required to pose for her photographs - these old photos were an inspiration to me when I was still a novice in the art of pyjamaring you . It did not take me too long to make you look as emasculated and worthless as my father did it?

Once my mother had fully honed her pyjamaring technique she became quite experimental and was not at all hesitant when it came to restraining and silencing Albert - in fact, it is giving me some ideas at this very moment........... 

                   Two vintage Photographs depicting Examples of  Pyjamaring

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Mabel Williamson begins George's Pyjamaring schedule. Part 1.

 'You know George, you are so lucky.  Mrs Sykes-Paterson whom I met last week at the Church Hall  Pyjamaring meeting has kindly donated to me a pair of her husband's old pyjamas so that I may practice some of the techniques on you' 
George and .Mabel were retiring to bed when she gestured at a huge pair of old-fashioned Gentleman's pink striped pyjamas that were partly unfolded on the bed.

'At the meeting interval we were chatting over a light Sherry and she brought up the incident where Lionel, her silly husband had inadvertently made rather a mess of his pyjamas by the careless use of bleach when he was cleaning the floors'. 
'After laundering the damaged garments, Mrs SP rather creatively decorated his pyjamas so they resembled  a convict suit and he was henceforth required to wear this whenever undertaking chores so as to teach him a lesson'

'She was appalled to find out that you wore a T shirt and tracksuit bottoms to bed and was adamant that I needed to rectify this'.
 'All males should be expected to wear traditional striped pyjamas in order to begin the process of objectification - they must understand that men only exist to meet the needs of women and you should begin to take control of George and begin this process'

Mabel smoothed down her floor-length thick cotton nightie.  
'I have to say that I do agree with her George and I wish you to get changed into these punishment pyjamas straight away'
Fold up your clothes neatly on the bed, get changed in the bathroom and return wearing these wonderful garments please'

Rather speechless, George stared at the dreadful faded and stained pyjamas that Mrs SP had labelled with a range of humiliating captions. He noted 'Pyjama Slave', 'Punishment trousers' and 'Naughty Boy' with only a cursory glance and wondered what other humiliating labels would appear when they were fully unfolded.

'Well Mabel, I can tell you that I will not be embarrassing myself by donning such ridiculous nightwear' George responded.
'Well George, I can tell you that tonight marks a new chapter in our relationship and you will wear them as instructed or you will never again enjoy the pleasures of the marital bed'

Silenced, George reluctantly  picked up the huge trousers and jacket and the hard unforgiving feel and sharp creases told him that the pyjamas were heavily starched. His heart sank as he trudged into the bathroom. It was a battle to push his legs through the stiff trousers and even when pulled up to his chest the baggy material still hid his feet and the crotch hung at knee level. George did become aware though of a sensation in his groin as his member brushed against the hard striped cotton.
Pulling on the stiff jacket, he sighed as he saw himself in the mirror and then continued to close the buttons up to the neck, which was a challenge as the overlong sleeves continually covered his hands. George noted the jacket that hung to his knees and flapped the sleeves about in a resigned fashion and then caught sight of the bulge that pushed out the front of his new pyjamas. 'Crikey,' he thought, 'Not sure what's going on there'

'George, are you ready yet?'

Harold appeared - a perfect figure of humiliation with the enormous nightwear swamping his frame.  'Now, please stand in the corner and look away as I finish readying for bed- from now on you will face the corner and show modesty at all times unless I expressly give you permission'
The poor man shuffled towards the corner as requested. The starching had turned the suit into the texture of cardboard and the rigid trousers scraped on the bedroom floorboards as George moved into the corner.

'Very well, let's have a look at my new pyjamaed fool - turn around George' ' This is marvellous indeed.' 
Mabel began to read.   'Pyjama Slave', 'Punishment trousers', 'Convict' and look, 'Naughty Boy' she flicked at the jacket collar and nodded approvingly.
'These enormous garments will certainly dampen your ardour!'

Looking at the front of his trousers, she noticed some smaller words ' Caution .......' - 'Oh my goodness, those are not words that I care to utter' - face the wall again immediately George , I need to take a moment'

George duly turned around and resumed the corner time position smirking to himself as he realised that his 'enormous garments' very effectively concealed an 'enormous erection' that was now straining against the confinement of folds of starched winceyette.

'What's this though' Mabel mused to herself as she read the words on the back of the collar. 'Please punish me'

'Did you hear that George? 'please punish me'.  I think we need to get cracking with that instruction don't you?' be continued

Thursday, 31 December 2020

The Ladies Sewing Circle August Meeting - conclusion.

   'I always find the efficacy of a good pyjamaring is enhanced by suitable humiliation - please do let me demonstrate the key elements of my personal approach'. 

Behind Mrs SP at the back of the stage, stood three worthless males displayed in their boldly striped baggy pyjama suits , heads bowed and hands clasped in front.

'Mabel, would you kindly pass me your husband and I will begin'

Mrs Williamson moved across the stage and grasping her husband George firmly by the collar ,marched him centre stage to Mrs SP with his overlong trousers scraping on the floor and causing him to trip and stumble.

'Now, let us consider the key elements of pyjamering nightwear'.   Brandishing a wooden ruler, Mrs SP proceeded to point and prod at George's pyjamas.

'Firstly, size. Ladies, as a general principle, please ensure that you purchase garments that are several sizes too large. Pulling at the back of his collar, she noted the size label - 'Ah, 6xl, an excellent choice Mabel - George is almost drowning in these pyjamas' See how the jacket hem reaches the knee and the trousers are puddling around his feet. With the jacket buttoned to the neck, we can all observe that the male is fully enclosed 

'Fabric should  ideally be thick sanforized cotton winceyette in traditional bold stripes as this will give years of service and will tolerate frequent laundering. 

'Styling - we do not need to consider matters of style.  'Fitted' or slimmer fitting loungewear that the chaps seem to be wearing these days should not be entertained. Pyjamas should be generally shapeless and hang loosely'.  I think you could consider placing your male in the corner of the bedroom for an extended cornertime as this will allow you to evaluate if the pyjamas are sufficiently shapeless and humiliating.

'Jacket - plenty of length, a generous wide collar and a top button that can be firmly closed at all times.  A large chest pocket is ideal for holding the list of chores for the day and other useful items.'

'Trousers - Baggy, wide-legged fit, traditional tie cord waist and preferably with a 'Balloon Seat'. This latter feature can be found on older traditional pyjamas and creates a very roomy sagging crotch that makes the male appear quite ridiculous'. George is modelling such trousers today'

'Please turn around George - put your hands on your head and stand with legs slightly apart'

Lifting up the overlong jacket, Mrs SP poked at the sagging crotch of George's trousers with the ruler, lifted up folds of material and let them fall - 'You see Ladies - plenty of room if you wished to place your male in nappies'

 'Now, whether or not to tuck the jacket into the trousers is entirely up to the individual woman and may depend on the situation of course'. 'If the man is fulfilling his cleaning chores and is generally required to work on hands and knees then the jacket could be tucked as this will prevent it from dragging on the wet floor and from being knelt on as he works'                  'Lionel once spoiled a fine pair of robust ex-Government striped prison pyjamas by kneeling in bleach as he cleaned the lavatory and I was forced to soap out his mouth and spank him fiercely with his slipper' 

Let me demonstrate how tucked pyjamas should appear and how to achieve this'

'George, hands up in the air please'  The poor man dutifully complied as the cord holding up his voluminous pyjama trousers was tugged briskly and they fell to the ground in a pile of striped winceyette. 

'Now turn and face our audience of esteemed ladies please'. Blushing fiercely, George turned as asked with his jacket hanging to his knees and the overlong sleeves hanging well past his hands. 

'Now fortunately for us all here, your huge pyjama jacket is concealing your little Pee-Pee so we do not need to be concerned!'  A ripple of amusement spread through the audience.

Mrs SP bent down and grasped two handfuls of the fallen trousers and deftly pulled them up over George's jacket and with another quick movement pulled them to his armpits before tying the cord firmly. ' And as a final touch it is good fun to try this!'.....reaching into his pyjama jacket pocket she produced a simple ballgag that she pushed firmly into George's mouth and deftly clipped behind his head.

'There we are ladies- a fully pyjamaed husband ready to be directed to any task and who will not be able to chatter or answer back!

'Next month I shall be exploring further ways of humiliating the worthless males in your life so please do sign up in the Hall register and do feel free to post photographs of your pyjamaed men to my website.'

                                   George is invited to display his pyjamaed status


Sunday, 20 December 2020

The Ladies Sewing Circle August meeting.

After a long summer break, the ladies circle, chaired by the fierce Mrs.Sykes-Paterson convened a meeting in the Village hall. The focus of the meeting was to share the latest ideas for maintaining tight control over their husband's behaviour. The theme this evening was revisiting the strategy of the use of pyjamas ('pyjamaring') in maintaining discipline and ensuring that these unfortunate men knew their place.
Outside ,waiting in Mrs Sykes-Paterson's car were three nervous males already dressed in their traditional striped pyjamas. Despite the warm weather they sat meekly in their striped winceyette nightwear with jacket collars firmly buttoned and wearing cosy tartan house slippers. As time ticked by the poor men grew increasingly nervous as they waited for the moment when their respective wives would appear at the door of the church hall and summon them inside for what would undoubtedly be a dreadfully humiliating experience.

Will Lionel not be joining us tonight?' asked Mrs Crump.
Oh my goodness, I almost forgot! Lionel is still in the back of the car!  Marching across the car park, Mrs SP immediately saw a large group of chattering ladies from the Scottish Dance Society (who were sharing the village hall for their own meeting) peering in the rear window of her roomy Vauxhall estate.
Because all the car seats were taken by pyjama-clad fools , the hapless Lionel had been instructed to crawl into the dog cage normally reserved for Bramble, the faithful Spaniel belonging to Mrs SP. for the journey to the Village Hall.
What a sight he now presented to the small band of excited guiders -tightly confined on his hands and knees and sweating profusely in his green striped pyjamas.
'My goodness Lionel, I can't leave you for a moment' - gripping his pyjama jacket collar firmly, she hauled her husband out of the car - 'Now stand there while I take the other chaps into the hall'
Poor Lionel stood miserably in his oversized pyjamas, baggy trousers sagging into folds on the tarmac, collar firmly buttoned and overlong sleeves covering his hands. 
Of course, he was now an instant object of ridicule for the giggling women who pulled at the loose striped fabric of his pyjamas. 'I can't believe anyone wears nightwear like this anymore, are they from a museum?.  
'No - No - my wife makes me wear them as a punishment -it's called 'Pyjamaring' stuttered Lionel - and also when I am required to attend to my marital bedroom duties'.  'Mrs SP has a large collection of old striped pyjamas in awful colours'.

 'Ah-ha' murmured a tall woman in a white blouse and smart brogues - 'I like the sound of this I must say, please tell us more'. 

Lionel, embarrassed at first, began to pour out his frustrations:

'Mrs S.P. considers a traditional striped pyjama suit to be the ideal method of humiliation and control for males and has used this for the twenty five years of our marriage. Over time, such humiliation by pyjamering produces a compliant male who has lost any notions of masculinity' 
Lionel stands ready to attend to Mrs S.P. dressed in his humiliating nightwear. 

'I am not allowed to undo any buttons or untuck the jacket from the trousers under any circumstance and I can tell you that being forced to wear these ridiculous garments every night straight after tea time has taken away any normal desires and I am now nothing more than a pyjama-clad  object to be used by Mrs S.P. as she wishes.'
'Tell me,' complained Lionel,  'How could any woman ever find such a pyjamaed fool attractive and allow him to engage in intimate activities whilst still wearing an oversized suit of flapping winceyette ?'

The brogued lady nodded again with a wry smile - 'Hmm - I think I like the idea of this approach - maybe I need to try it on my Harold'
'Please tell us how a typical evening might unfold Lionel'

Lionel was now in full flow and was also aware of the growing arousal in his trousers as he described the proceedings to the not unattractive lady and began to imagine her in place of Mrs S.P. 

'Well, if I find a pair of neatly-ironed striped pyjamas folded on the end of my bed in the spare room where I usually sleep then I know that I will be required to visit Mrs S.P. in her bedroom and attend to her marital needs'.
The assembled women nodded collectively and made approving sounds.

'I will be summoned from the spare room and will stand in the corner at at the end of her bed wearing my regulation pyjamas  and wait for instructions. 
She often  says 'Lionel, I am ready to be serviced - you may now put your hand inside your pyjama trousers and play with your small 'Pee Pee' until you are aroused. When you have done this, You may take out your useless manhood from the front  of your  trousers, come here and pull up my nightie and lie atop me and pleasure me until I ask you to stop. Please desist from making any noise or fuss when carrying out your duty as I do not wish to be distracted as I read my novel'
'It goes without saying of course, that you will keep your arms by your side and not touch me and you will not allow yourself to reach fulfilment'

The ladies were becoming absorbed by this tale of male humiliation and felt that attending the Pyjamaring meeting could well be more entertaining that the planned Scottish Dancing - 'Perhaps I will ask Mrs S.P if this would be possible!'

to be continued......