Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Mrs Sykes-Paterson Reminisces......

 'Ah, just look at these old photographs Lionel - those were the days when  striped pyjamas were de rigeur for men and they did not need to be trained to wear them as standard nightwear'

I remember my mother giving me advice on the eve of my own marriage to you on the importance of  controlling one's husband - she did this with her own husband, Albert, my father - he's in these old photographs taken on their wedding night.'

 'Of course, in those days they had little money but that still did not prevent her from finding old pyjamas in jumble sales and using them in the early days of Alberts pyjama training. The pyjamas rarely matched but somehow that seemed to add to the humiliation and was thus most effective'

'Pyjamaed effectively thus, he felt so ridiculous buttoned into unfashionable ill-fitting nightwear that he was unable to consummate the marriage, which was for the best and exactly as my mother intended. Despite his pleading to remove his striped pyjamas, mother did not relent and he spent the night in his pyjamaed state. 

 'Lionel, look please - see how he was required to pose for her photographs - these old photos were an inspiration to me when I was still a novice in the art of pyjamaring you . It did not take me too long to make you look as emasculated and worthless as my father did it?

Once my mother had fully honed her pyjamaring technique she became quite experimental and was not at all hesitant when it came to restraining and silencing Albert - in fact, it is giving me some ideas at this very moment........... 

                   Two vintage Photographs depicting Examples of  Pyjamaring

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