Saturday, 23 November 2024

An Update from Mrs Sykes - Paterson

My dear readers,
So much water has flowed under the bridge since I last shared pyjamaring tales of my silly husband, Lionel. 
In that time I'm afraid that I have lost contact with my dear friend, Mrs Jacobson, who used to share wonderful ways of maintaining the obedience of her charge, Wincey. She was indeed an expert in the use of punishment pyjamas to keep worthless men in their place, and I miss her guidance.

Lionel remains a worthless individual, particularly since I insisted he take early retirement.
I now keep him in a pyjamaed state and have donated most of his day clothes to charity.
His minimal wardrobe consists largely of traditional striped pyjamas in range of colourways, and he now wears a pair whilst he sits obediently in the car in full view of the public during my trips to the supermarket.

Yours, Mrs S. P.